The theme of The Bridge to Recovery is from brokenness to wholeness, and that is exactly what we have seen since opening our doors in 2011. The Bridge to Recovery removes barriers and thus forms a "bridge" to recovery for individuals who desperately want help.
Our History
Retired Methodist Minister Jim Allred moved back to Stanly county and shortly after moving it seemed as if almost everyone they came into contact with had a problem with addiction themselves or in their family. After trying to help several individuals get into treatment he found it was a difficult process unless the individual had resources to substantial money or a great health insurance plan. Most did not, as most resources had been drained and it was a very difficult task to find help.
Jim and his sister Doris Skeen invited several people together to see what they could do to make a difference, they met once a month for two years with 12-15 people that had an interest in this ministry.
In 2011 the vision came together and this was to create something to help with the first step to recovery. To give the individual an opportunity to get help. If an addict decides they want help they cannot wait 1 week, 2 weeks or even a month. If you do it is too late. The vision that came out of these meetings was to have a facility that would say to that person we will help you not tomorrow but today. We will take you in regardless of resources that you may or may not have and we will give you a shot at recovery. Oakboro, NC became the first site of The Bridge to Recovery a pre-treatment house for men to go after detox but before a bed was available for residential treatment.
Since that time in 2011 BTR has placed about 3,000 into some of the best treatment centers in the Carolinas. We had the men’s house since 2011. In 2014, we got a call from a woman needing the same service, at 7:00 the same night we got another call from a woman and she needed the same services. These were women needing what we provided men with a place they could stay that would care for them, house them and place them in treatment. The very next morning Jim got another call and the person says, "My wife and I prayed about it and we want to give you a house for women.” In March of 2014, The Bridge to Recovery opened the women’s pre-treatment house in Stanfield, NC.
One of the things you need to know is that we can help. As God’s people we have the power to heal and the power to show others how to become whole and we forget that. Bridge to Recovery offers people a sense of their worth, not just from our standpoint but from the standpoint of Jesus Christ. We serve a God who loves us and has a vision for us. Just as we love our own children God loves us, even with that the love we have for our own children is a poor example of the love God has for us. When that is communicated miracles happen and lives are transformed.
The theme of The Bridge to Recovery is from brokenness to wholeness and that is exactly what we have seen since opening our doors in 2011. The Bridge to Recovery removes barriers and thus forms a "bridge" to recovery for individuals who desperately want help.
Shortly after The Bridge opened the women’s pre-treatment house in 2014 The Board of Directors voted to open a residential treatment center. After seeing more people wait longer and longer to get into a good treatment program The Board felt the ministry needed to take the next step into providing a treatment program that would work without barriers and prohibitive and restrictive criteria.
Soon after making the decision to open their own residential treatment program another program in Monroe, NC was closing their doors. It didn’t take long for The Bridge to Recovery to assume the property that was formerly known as The Friendship Home. After a generous supporter donated the money needed to make the much needed renovations to the residence people got to work making changes to the property. The Bridge to Recovery Residential Treatment Center in Monroe opened their doors to their first patient in October 2017. God is Good!
“Our facility has provided direct care to over 3,000 men and women since opening in 2011. The Bridge has a 100% success rate for housing men and women in need.”
Facts about The bridge to recovery
The Bridge To Recovery was founded in 2011 as a 501c3 charitable organization that provides low-cost assistance to women and men seeking treatment for addiction problems.
The Bridge To Recovery began on the premise that individuals face great difficulty in accessing quality treatment programs.
The Bridge To Recovery is funded by the donations from churches, individuals, and foundations.
We are not contracted with commercial insurance or state insurance plans and receive no third-party reimbursements.
The Bridge To Recovery has enjoyed sustained growth over the years by adding additional beds, opening a women’s treatment facility, and a Men’s 30-day residential treatment program in Monroe, North Carolina.
The Bridge To Recovery assists people who struggle with addictions to alcohol, drugs, or both.